Q. 何を求めている訴訟ですか?

  • Q. What is the purpose of this class litigation?


  • This is a lawsuit to stop the Prime Minister Abe's next visiting the Yasukuni Shrine in the future. The defendant is the Japanese Government, Shinzo Abe, and the Yasukuni Shrine.

① 安倍首相の2013年12月26日靖国神社参拝では、礼装し、公用車を使い「内閣総理大臣・安倍晋三」と記帳し正式に昇殿参拝しました。これは公式参拝であり、日本国憲法20条(政教分離=国及びその機関は、宗教教育その他いかなる宗教的活動もしてはならない)に違反しております。これについて、裁判所に確認を求めます。

  • The Prime Minister Abe rode on his official car with the formal suite and signed on the visiting book as "The Japanese Prime Minister ABE Shinzo" when he arrived at the Yasukuni Shrine. After that, he walked into the heart of the shrine and prayed to the war gods. This act is clearly identified as officially visiting and breached the rule of secular politics which is stipulated in Article 20 of the Japanese Constitution. The first legal purpose of this lawsuit is to confirm the unconstitutionality of the visiting.

② 安倍氏に対し、公式参拝を即刻やめるよう「公式参拝さしとめ」を求めます。

  • The second legal purpose is to prevent his next formal visit to the Yasukuni Shrine.

③ 安倍氏の行為が「政教分離」だけでなく、「秘密保護法」の強行採決、「集団的自衛権の推進」など、憲法の、市民の平和的生存権を脅かし個人の生命、自由、幸福追求の権利を阻害していることについて、総合的に問いただします。

  • When we criticize the visiting, we would like to focus not only on the breach of "the rule of secular politics", but also on that of "the right to peace". By this lawsuit, we are willing to totally accuse the recent Abe administration's policies such as the rammed Japanese Secrecy Act, the conversion about the exercise of collective self-defense right, the arms exportation, and so on.


  • By Abe's visiting the Yasukuni Shrine, the Japanese government would be regarded to have affi rmed the beliefs of the Yasukunishrine. The Yasukuni Shrine has never admitted the past Japan's wars against Asian countries during 1930s and 1940s as aggressive wars but identifi ed the wars as defensive wars and wars for independence. Moreover, the war shrine has honored all the war dead including the war leaders as war gods and worshiped them as gods. We would like to declare that such Prime Minister's stance breached Japan's policy oriented towards the peace. Plus, we would like to question the reason of existence of the Yasukuni Shrine itself.

④ この違憲行為によって、原告が受けた精神的損害について原告一人当たり1万円を請求します。


  • We are demanding 10,000 yen for each plaintiffs as compensation for his mental damages by Abe's visiting. Some may question the monetary valuation and question on demanding the monetary compensation itself, but we have to demand some monetary compensation in order to make a lawsuit in Japan.

Q. どんな人が原告に参加しているのですか?

  • Q. Who are the plaintiff members?


  • Many different kinds of people have participated in this class litigation. We welcome those who are famous or not, as well as those who have own religion or not. Those who live in other countries or those who came to Japan from other ountries are also welcomed. Japanese who live in other countries surely may participate in the lawsuit too. Some Koreans who had made litigations against the collective honor of the war dead to the Yasukuni Shrine have already joined as members of plaintiffs of this lawsuit.

Q. 訴訟団とはなんですか?

  • Q. What is"the lawsuit member?”


  • We call the group of plaintiffs, supporters and lawyers who are involved in this class litigation as "the lawsuit member”.

Q. 大阪でも同じような訴訟が行われていると聞きましたが?

  • Q. What is the relationship to the similar litigation at the Osaka District Court?


  • We cooperate with the lawsuit members of Osaka litigation. When a former PM Koizumi Jyunichiro visited the Yasuku shrine, seven litigations were fi led in six areas such as Tokyo, Osaka and Kyushu. In the more areas litigations are made, the more effectively the litigations can make the impact on Abe's policy. You can participate in whichever litigations in Tokyo or Osaka regardless of your address. But we suggest you take part in the Tokyo litigation if you live near Tokyo because it will be more convenient for you to attend each session at the court.

Q. 原告というと何か怖そうな感じがします。支援の会の方がいいかな、など考えますが……

  • Q. What is the risk to be a plaintiff?


  • We understand that it is difficult for some persons to open their names as plaintiffs. However, please consider of the fact that there is no other way to express you objection directly against Abe's visiting Yasukuni Shrine without being a plaintiff of this class litigation. When you become a plaintiff, you can submit your opinion paper if you wish. This is the almost only chance to write your opinion against Abe's visiting by your own words.